# Organism name (human, mouse, vanderplanki, yeast: Default = human) mouse # Type of analysis (with or without correction: Default = without correction) without_correction # First sample (expecting the treatment fastq file: Default = treatment.fastq) B_J1_0_s.fastq # Nature of sample (BLESS or genomic: Default = BLESS) bless # Second sample (expecting the control fastq file: Default = control.fastq) g_J1_0_s.fastq # Nature of sample (BLESS or genomic: Default = GENOMIC) genomic # If type of analysis is with_correction give samples 3,4,5 sample3.fastq # Nature of sample 3 (BLESS or genomic: Default = BLESS) bless sample4.fastq # Nature of sample 4 (BLESS or genomic: Default = BLESS) bless sample5.fastq # Nature of sample 5 (BLESS or genomic: Default = BLESS) bless # Fragile band data (organism fragile band: Default human ncbi) fragile_bands_mouse.txt # Cyto band data (organism cyto band: Default human ncbi) cyto_bands_mouse.txt # Output name (name of your output: Default output.txt) new-res.txt # resolution windows size (Default : 250) 10250 # Windows advance (Default : 1, in reality windows size +1) 1 # time course analysis rarefication table (table must contain control and treatment for each time point: Default NO) time_course_bless_genomic_j1.txt NO # rarefaction if running time course (Defalut : No) false # Number of random samples for rarefaction (Default : 20) 20 # Output directory (Default : Bless_results) Bless_results # Genome directory (Default : current directory) /data24TB/store/julesberlin/mouse/mm10 # Genome mappability (Default : current directory) /data24TB/store/julesberlin/mouse/map_45/ # data files directory (Default : current directory) "./" # Use previous mapping (debugging purposes only). Will not run bowtie and use available mapping (Default : false) false # telomere correction (Default : false) false # Sequencing quality check using FASTQC (Default : false) false # Post mapping quality check using Samstat (Default : false) false # Number of threads (Default : 1) 16 #running mode quiet (Default : true) true